Assam TET cum Recruitment Exam 2024 TEST SERIES

Validity : 1 Year

At the same time, for the selection of GT and PGT such as Arts, Science, Hindi, and Sanskrit, a composite percentage is also worked out which consists of the marks of the Teacher Eligibility Test cum Recruitment Test conducted by the administration along with additional qualifications like NCC, Sports, Fine Arts, Cultural Activities, and previous TET results.

Teacher Eligibility Test cum Recruitment Test (140 marks):

The written exam for Graduate Teachers will consist of 140 marks distributed as follows:

Pedagogy 50 marks
About Assam and its People 50 marks
General English 30 marks
General Studies and Current Affairs 10 marks

Additional Qualifications (5 marks):

  1. NCC Certificates or Achievements in Sports/Fine Arts and Cultural Activities:
    • Candidates will receive 5 marks for one of the following:
      • NCC Certificates:
        • “C” Certificate: 5 marks
        • “B” Certificate: 3 marks
      • Sports: 5 marks for representing Assam at the national level in recognized sports.
      • Fine Arts and Cultural Activities: 5 marks for officially representing the state of Assam at the national level in fine arts or cultural events.
  2. Weightage for Candidates who Passed the Earlier High School TET:
    • Candidates who passed the High School TET previously but have not yet been appointed will get a weightage of 5% of the marks they secured in that TET. The maximum marks awarded for this will be 5 marks.

This selection process gives weight to both academic performance and co-curricular achievements, ensuring a comprehensive evaluation of candidates for the position of Graduate Teacher.

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